Ray White Rural Warwick

Nowlan Stock and Station Agent

At Nowlan stock and station agency we specialise in:
•Livestock sales, both privately and through Warwick sale yards.
•Real estate sales; residential and rural.
•Property management

Killarney Real Estate

Rob Hall is the current owner of Killarney Real Estate and a Sales Associate with @realty. Rob is a licenced Real Estate Agent in both Queensland and New South Wales. He has recently sold over 40 Queensland and New South Wales residential, rural and lifestyle properties.

He is actively engaged in the Killarney area: he is the President of Killarney Historical Society, a member of Killarney Area Promotions, as well as Killarney and Tannymorel Bowls Clubs, and Convenor of the Killarney Golf Club. He is also currently establishing a Mens Shed in Killarney which already has a number of participants.


Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KillarneyRealEstateQLD

Search us: https://www.killarneyrealestate.com.au

Email Rob: robhall@atrealty.com.au

Phone Rob: 0418 989 184